40+ Flight Attendants Share Photos Of The Worst Passengers

    We’re all about counting our blessings, and we know that just being able to enter an airplane and enjoy the miracle of air flight is something for which we should be thankful. A lot of folks can’t afford to buy a plane ticket, and some can’t embark on such journeys because of health issues, for example. By the way, can you tell that we were building up to a “however…”?

    Yes, being inside an airplane is a blessing in itself… However, it can also be an incredibly irritating experience. Think about it – you’re in a closed space with up to hundreds of unfamiliar passengers, sometimes for many hours at a time. Annoying incidents are bound to happen, and whether you’ll be surrounded by polite, neat human beings, or people who seem like they were raised by racoons, is really a lottery, isn’t it? Below are examples of things done by individuals who need a few lessons on how to behave in society, and, more specifically, inside an airplane.

    ‘Yes, I’ll hang my coat riiight here’

    We bet most of the world’s problems happen because people fail to think about how their actions will affect those around them. This lady is a perfect example of that.

    If she had taken even two seconds to put some thought into what she was doing, she would have realized that her coat was covering half the screen of the person sitting behind her. On the other hand, if this person wants an easy revenge, they have an easy access “napkin” for when dinner is served.

    ‘Headphones? Nah, no need for those’

    Video games are a great way to pass the time during a long flight, as they really focus the person’s attention to the little screen, with its bright colors and engaging sound effects. However, being focused on a game is no excuse to completely ignore their surroundings.

    This guy was playing his game for hours at full volume, not caring about whether or not his seat mates wanted to listen to those loud sound effects. Politeness and consideration for others? Game over, try again.

    Daddy longlegs

    Speaking of stretching your legs out, here’s a person who was so determined to find a place to put their legs that they opted to go upwards. That’s definitely not something you see every flight, let alone every day.

    It must have been a sight to behold for the people on this flight, and we’re happy that the photographer deemed it worthy to bring it to light. Remember friends, being tall can be fun – but certainly not if you’re on a plane.

    ‘Perfect time for a manicure’

    First of all, how this person even got a nail clipper through security is a mystery to us. But what is really, really puzzling, is how they thought it was ok to bust the tool out of their travel bag to trim their nails during a flight.

    Nail-clipping is just one of those things one should never do in public. It’s the whole package of the annoying click-click-click sound, plus the anxious feeling of having to duck every time to hide from flying fingernails.

    ‘This is the best place to break up with my girlfriend’

    Ending a relationship is never easy, and there’s no such things as a perfect way to do it. However, we can all probably agree that doing it inside of an airplane is not among the best options out there.

    ‘This is the best place to break up with my girlfriend’

    Not only is it extremely embarrassing for the person who’s being broken up with, it’s uncomfortable for the passengers witnessing the whole scene. Plus, if this is a long flight, the (former) couple will have to sit side by side in awkward silence for hours to come.

    Keep your hair to yourself

    Do people not think of perhaps tucking their hair under their head before dozing off, or is flinging over the back of the seat a completely normal and acceptable thing to do these days and we were simply unaware?

    Keep your hair to yourself

    Seriously, if someone did this in the row in front of us on an airplane, we would be extremely annoyed and just fling their hair right back over. We have no patience for this kind of behavior, and rightfully so, in our opinion.

    ‘Nope, I don’t need to go the bathroom to brush my teeth’

    Dental hygiene is important, and in other circumstances we would compliment this guy’s commitment to keeping his teeth clean and his breath fresh, but come on – brushing your teeth in your seat, right next to another passenger? Big no no.

    ‘Nope, I don’t need to go the bathroom to brush my teeth’

    We get that airplane bathrooms are not the most convenient places in the world, but if your fellow passengers can brush their teeth in private, why can’t you do the same for them? We just hope this man didn’t floss in public, too.

    Don’t bother me

    The temperature on an airplane can get pretty cold sometimes, and people are always trying to find good ways to warm themselves up. That being said, we’ve never seen anyone warm themselves up the way this person is doing it right here.

    Don’t bother me

    They seem to have engulfed themselves fully with a sweatshirt they own, disallowing any type of proper vision to the outside world. If you’re not just cold, but also tired, this may be the solution.

    ‘I’ll present the person behind me with a hair cascade’

    This woman must be very proud of her long locks, because she obviously wants to showcase them for the world to see. A normal person would have sat with their hair down, but not her.

    ‘I’ll present the person behind me with a hair cascade’

    She threw her locks over the headrest, so the person behind her could admire them all throughout their flight. She probably thinks she’s doing a good deed, but we can see from the man’s face that he’s not impressed – he’s not impressed at all.

    ‘Smell my foot’

    Whether or not it is rude for a person to remove their shoes during a long flight is debatable, but what this person is doing in this photo is downright wrong. And it is wrong on so many levels.

    ‘Smell my foot’

    First of all, they’re using someone else’s armrest. Then, they’re using it as a foot rest. Then, they’re spreading a foot smell, which, judging by the little girl’s face, is not pleasant at all. That’s just too much to handle. Be better, people!

    ‘Must. Occupy. More than. One seat.’

    Manspreading is this weird thing done by some men who feel an uncontrollable urge to occupy more than one seat in public transportation (and apparently, in airplanes, too). To do so, they’ll sit with their legs as wide apart as possible, as pictured below.

    ‘Must. Occupy. More than. One seat.’

    What’s impressive here is how not only did they invade their neighbor’s leg space, they also managed to put their arm far beyond the limits of their shared arm rest. Now, this is a man who’s dedicated to his craft.

    ‘Popping a zit: there’s no time like the present’

    We get that having a pimple can make a person feel self-conscious, and they would do anything to get rid of them, but please, even if you are willing to do anything, do not be willing to do it anytime, anywhere.

    ‘Popping a zit: there’s no time like the present’

    This is the type of activity one should not be attempting during a flight, in full sight of other passengers (some would argue you shouldn’t do it at all, because it damages the skin). Put that mirror away, sweetheart. For your sake, and for the sake of others.


    There’s nothing like airplane annoyances that appeal to more than one sense. This little guy did good by wearing his headphones to protect other people from the sounds of whatever it is he’s watching, but oh, those Cheetos he’s eating with an open mouth…


    First of all, people should know better than to bring smelly snacks to the airplane. Then, there’s the open mouth chewing. And you can see this isn’t just a snap of the cheeto going inside, because of the amount of crumbs on his shirt.

    ‘I’ll use their tray table, they’ll won’t even notice’

    This man needed to check his work emails, but he also wanted to watch the movie he had downloaded on another device. So much technology available, but so little space. What’s a guy to do?

    ‘I’ll use their tray table, they’ll won’t even notice’

    He apparently thought, “I’ll just use this other person’s tray table.” Asking for permission? No, ain’t nobody got time for that. In any case, they probably concluded, “that person won’t even notice, since I’m only using the corner of the tray.”

    ‘I don’t want to ruin my pretty accessories’

    One of the reasons why people are eager to enter the airplane as soon as boarding starts is to guarantee a space for their luggage in the overhead compartment. Because theoretically there’s room for everyone, but folks who do things like the photo below ruin it for everyone else.

    ‘I don’t want to ruin my pretty accessories’

    Did they seriously think it was ok to take that much room just for one hat and one pair of shoes? “I didn’t put the hat inside my luggage because I don’t want it to be ruined.” Well, aren’t they gonna have a surprise when they open the overhead compartment at their destination, and see how all the other bags moved during the flight.

    Did I forget something?

    This picture may not on the plane itself, but it’s in the airport – and boy, is this passenger sure going to work with her luggage. It seems that she may have forgotten something, or maybe brought too much.

    Did I forget something?

    Whatever the case, she’s clearly doing some last minute changes with her packing, and we can help but wonder what could’ve possibly led to this? We can’t imagine that she enjoys the entire airport knowing about all of her personal belongings.

    Hello ponytail

    When we’re on a plane with countless others, things can get pretty tight sometimes. For this reason, it’s important to try and be as aware as possible of our surroundings.

    Hello ponytail

    As you can see here, this woman didn’t really care too much about the person behind her, because she put her ponytail over the back of their seat. Then again, maybe she was just playing a practical joke. Or maybe she didn’t even realize. Whatever the case, it can’t have been fun for the person sitting in back of her.

    Optimal clothing rack

    Because leaving your clothes out to dry on a plane is totally normal, right? Nope. Sorry, but that’s not only abnormal, but not so nice to the people around you. Flying is hard enough as it is without having to deal with all of the different clothing that don’t even belong to you.

    Optimal clothing rack

    We guess that this person’s dryer stopped working a day before they have to fly. Or maybe they just want everyone to know their fashion sense. Honestly, we prefer the latter.

    Playing footsie

    People who are tall have the toughest time on planes. Unless they’re sitting in first class, there simply isn’t enough room for them to maneuver their legs to be comfortable.

    Playing footsie

    They look for all kinds of places they can stretch their feet, and sometimes they find themselves getting dangerously close to the feet of the person in front of them. It seems that not only this this person overstep his boundaries, but got caught red handed as well!

    Unexpected chills

    Now this right here is just hilarious. Some kid seems to have taken it upon himself to reach behind his chair and start pulling out leg hairs from the person in back of him! This is the kind of stuff you really can’t make up.

    Unexpected chills

    But the funniest part of it is that the person whose hair was getting pulled out didn’t even stop the kid. Instead, they opted to take a picture and document it, providing us all with some good laughter.

    You missed the garbage

    Whether you’re on a plane, a bus, or a store, no one likes a mess. And especially on a plane where you’re forced to share a confined space with many others, it’s always good to be aware of other people.

    You missed the garbage

    It seems that person wasn’t very self aware of the mess he was making, or else he simply didn’t care. We all know how annoying it is to have a full tray on the plane with nowhere to put it, but putting it in the aisle isn’t the solution.


    Talk about finding something to do while on the plane, right? When you gaze down upon the abhorrent mess that this plane passenger left, it really makes you feel for the flight attendant that will be forced to clean this up.


    Sometimes passengers forget this fact, and allow themselves to just do as they please while sitting in their seats. That being said, it’s not even clear what this mess is comprised of. Confetti? Snow? Any other ideas?

    Lay off the stickers

    This picture was taken by a flight attendant who was on her last nerve when she saw this. The child who sat her didn’t make a mess, but they placed a handful of stickers on their tray.

    Lay off the stickers

    Clearly incensed, the flight attendant called out this child’s parents on Instagram, saying that parents need to be more strict about what they let their children do on the plane. Indeed, parenting may be hard, but it’s not nice to force the flight attendants to scrape these stickers off.

    What sign?

    Although what this person is doing doesn’t seem that bad, he clearly violating a sign on the wall. Flight attendants are very strict about their rules, and they don’t like it when passengers feel like they have free reign over the plane.

    What sign?

    Granted, the flight attendants are getting paid, and the passengers are paying for the flight – but rules are rules. If this person was sleeping, we wonder if the attendant actually woke them up to tell them to put their feet down.

    Sandal pouch

    A flight attendant also posted this picture on social media, wondering why this person felt the need to put their sandals in the pocket, when there’s all kinds of room on the floor.

    Sandal pouch

    This flight attendant does have a point – people are constantly putting their personal belongings in those pouches, so it’s not very courteous of this person to put their dirty sandals there. Plus, now where do they expect to put their phone and book?

    Magazine mess

    Well if it isn’t yet another big mess for the flight attendants to clean up. Again, a certain passenger really went to town on… magazines? Perhaps there was something in that magazine that upset them.

    Magazine mess

    From what we can tell, there are a few pictures of models, and not much else that is visible. Can’t imagine what’s upsetting about that… Regardless, it’s never okay to leave a mess this large, and clearly the flight attendants weren’t too happy about it.

    Picky picky

    Similar to the clipping nails rule, there is another unspoken rule that people can sometimes overlook: “Don’t clean the lint and dust between your toes in a public place.” That’s clearly what this youth is doing, and it was actually a flight attendant who took a picture of this.

    Picky picky

    When you’re on a plane, things happen. There isn’t a rulebook saying he’s not allowed to do this – and maybe he figured people would simply look the other way.

    Curtain calling

    We earlier showed you a picture of a young woman who decided to plop her ponytail over the seat in back of her, and this girl isn’t much different. In fact, this situation is probably even worse because her hair is longer, and it’s completely let down, covering the screen entirely.

    Curtain calling

    Clearly the person sitting here thought it was funny enough to snap a photo of it, but we’re guessing they told this woman put her hair back. Or at least we’re hoping they did.

    Lounging freely

    Well look what we have here. It’s a young woman who seems to have decided to prop her feet on some sort of ledge, while lounging peacefully on the plane. It’s hard to tell from this angle what she’s putting her feet on, but it certainly doesn’t look like something that’s allowed.

    Lounging freely

    Clearly someone felt this way when they took a snapshot of this moment – or maybe it’s possible they just thought it was a good picture.

    Some toes for your nose

    Not only is it frustrating to have your chair armrest being taken up by a stranger’s foot, no less, it adds another level of annoyance to this situation when these feet are emitting a rancid smell.

    Some toes for your nose

    Seriously, if you are going to be this rude, at least check up on what your foot odor situation is like. No one wants the smell of moldy cheese to accompany them throughout the flight, especially not for the long haul.

    Grandma’s little stretch

    Spending your flight avoiding being punched in the face by some unassuming Grandma who is just clasping her hands and stretching does not look like the ideal way to spend your time in the air.

    Grandma’s little stretch

    Seriously, we would much rather be watching a movie or reading a book rather than playing dodgeball with Grandma’s clasped hands from the row in front. Perhaps this guy should grab her hands and throw them back over the seat, where they belong.

    Just poking through

    This guy tried to elbow this person’s feet a few times, but they simply did not get the hint. We honestly wonder, who raises these people to think that arm rests are an acceptable place to perch up your toes?

    Just poking through

    Just poking throughWe would think the word ‘arm’ would give away what the function of this part of the chair is, but apparently some people are a little slow on the uptake. We just hope that there isn’t a strong waft of foot odor floating through.

    Watch the bun

    It already is a nuisance to have to settle for a communal screen on a flight, seeing as it is generally becoming increasingly more common to have personal screens on the back of the seat in front.

    Watch the bun

    To add to the annoyance is this woman, whose bun is obstructing the view of the screen for all the passengers behind her. Honestly, can she not just make a different hairstyle so everyone can enjoy the film?

    Reach for the sky

    We seriously can not even envision what sort of sitting position would require your feet to be at this angle, and how comfortable it would be to sit like this, wedged between a row of seats, for the duration of a flight.

    Reach for the sky

    However, these two ladies seem to have figured out a comfortable sitting hack that is far beyond our understanding, and far beyond our levels of politeness… do they not feel bad for the people behind them?

    Daddy long-legs

    This guy knows that his legs are probably his best feature, being this long, and he has decided to flaunt them to the world. Well, perhaps not the world, but at least to the entire plane.

    Daddy long-legs

    If anyone on this flight was wondering what the world’s longest legs look like, they have a contender on board ready to display his. We just can’t imagine how comfortable it would be to flaunt your legs like this for such a long time, but to each their own.

    Maybe lay off the drinks

    This woman decided it would be a great idea to drink half a liter of Jagermeister before heading onto the airplane, for reasons far beyond our understanding.

    Maybe lay off the drinks

    We think that this photo probably explains why this is not the best idea that she has ever had, seeing as she has fallen asleep on the passenger sitting next to her. This guy is pretty nice though, letting this lady doze off on his shoulder in peace.

    A hairy situation

    At first glance, this may appear to perhaps be a part of a doll’s head, or even a wig. However, this is actually real life hair that has slipped through the seats and created quite a nuisance for the person sitting behind this individual.

    A hairy situation

    Every time they wanted to grab their water bottle, they had to navigate through this hairy mess to avoid accidentally pulling at it. If it was us, we would have just gone for it anyways.

    This is not a drying rack

    We have a lot of questions about what is going on in this picture, starting with what in the actual heaven could have happened on this flight that someone felt the need to remove their pants and hang them up to dry, mid air?

    This is not a drying rack

    Also, the absurdity of feeling as though the flight attendant’s jump seat would be the perfect place to hang your pants up to dry is completely beyond our understanding – we want answers.

    Someone is always watching

    The first type of person we notice when we get onto our flights is whether or not there is a baby around. Not that we have anything against babies, just there is always the fear that if there does happen to be one on board, there is the likelihood that a lot of the flight will be spent with an infant screeching in our ears.

    Someone is always watching

    This baby, however, seems to be pretty quiet… too quiet, in fact. She seems to be staring into the soul of the person behind her.

    Very classy

    Ah, is it not the best feeling in the world to kick your feat up and dig into a meal? Well, most of the time we do this in the privacy of our own homes, on our own couches, with no one else around to not judge us as we shovel food into our mouths without using any knives or forks.

    Very classy

    This lady, however, does not care who is watching her. She’ll kick her feat up and eat her meal wherever and whenever she pleases.

    Delicious delights

    This guy said that he had spent an hour and a half of his flight thinking that there was a laptop bag brushing against the back of his legs, only to look down after quite some time of feeling a little uncomfortable… to see this poking out underneath his seat.

    Delicious delights

    Honestly, if this would have happened to us, we would have been so nauseated, and not from the flight. Does the owner of these feat not know about moisturizer?

    Plank challenge

    Well, here is one way to lie down horizontally on a flight. Unless this guy is just really committed to that popular plank challenge everyone was doing a few years ago, and thought this would be the perfect place to do it.

    Or, there is always the possibility that he has a master plan of tripping someone. Either way, he wins the award for being the single most annoying person on this flight. Congratulations, dude.

    Plank challenge

    Source here

    Meet my friend, Cello

    This individual seems to have purchased an extra seat for their close friend and confidant… the cello. Well, at least the cello does not emit any rancid smells, or make loud noises – that is, as long as it remains confined to its’ case.

    Meet my friend, Cello

    Honestly, if we sat next to this individual, we would have made the polite request that they at least play us a tune, if they took the effort to bring the instrument onboard.

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